Click on a specific topic from the list below or simply browse our About and Organizing sections.
When you're ready to reach out to Local 342, click here or call 1-866-802-4994. Your contact with Local 342 is kept confidential.
- Reasons why you might need a union at your workplace
- Your legal right to a union and what your employer can or cannot do
- The benefits of having a union contract
- How to organize a union at your workplace
- The challenges and obstacles you and your coworkers may face
Ready to reach out to Local 342? Click here.
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Unions give you a voice at work
As a member of a Union, you’ll have the opportunity to negotiate with your company for the wages, benefits and working conditions that matter to you, like fair wages, strong safety measures, retirement benefits, and more.
Benefits of Union Contracts
Our Union members enjoy better wages and benefits than their non-Union peers. Protect the benefits that matter most to you, like health insurance, overtime pay, vacation time, sick leave, and regular wage increases.

Your Right to a Union
There are federal laws that protect your involvement with a Union and keep you safe from any retaliation. You have the right to organize a Union at your workplace or join a Union of your choosing.
How to Organize your Workplace
Every organizing effort is unique. Local 342 has organized dozens of workplaces, and we would be happy to talk with you about the specific issues you are facing and how we can help to correct them. All of your conversations with us are kept confidential while you learn more about what it will take to organize your workplace.